Partnership between ZCubes and YubNub

ZCubes is very pleased to announce a partnership with YubNub, the popular site that allows users to browse the web using command-line entries (e.g. "am mark twain" for an Amazon search on "mark twain"). Read YubNub creator Jon Aquino's blog post about the background of YubNub here. Now, ZCubes users can enter any YubNub command-line into the ZCubes URL bar to see the results in the ZBrowser. This partnership fits very well into the ZCubes team's vision of providing tools for making web browsing easier and efficient as well as integrating "cool" web content into the ZCubes platform.
ZCubes users can access the YubNub commands list in the ZBrowser mode of the ZCubes platform. A shortcut on the top toolbar displays the full list of YubNub commands. Again, users can simply enter the command in the URL bar and open the command result in the ZBrowser or a MiniZ.
We are excited about our partnership with YubNub and look forward to providing our users with many more useful tools in the ZCubes platform through such partnerships in the future.
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